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Sketch Course On Flowvella

Sketch Course On Flowvella

Learn how to use Sketch to design user interfaces of websites & apps in our hands-on Sketch courses in New York City. From art classes for beginners to more advanced drawing techniques workshops, Sketchout welcome people at all levels to learn how to draw whilst being energised by the outstanding art that London’s museums have on offer. Sketchout currently run the following courses, for a range of abilities: The Fundamentals of Drawing Part One at the V&A. Save TIME by Completing your 8 Hour Sketch in 4 HOURS.

'New kinds of electronic tools are emerging that allow instructors to craft presentations that more closely reflect new approaches to teaching and learning. For instance, many of these tools allow collaboration between multiple authors, and some use nonlinear branching or sequencing so that class discussion can guide the presentation.

Presentation tools based on new models of representing information also encourage instructors to rethink learning activities in ways that can improve learning. These tools might also bring about a more thorough merging of in-person and remote classroom audiences.' - Denise Horoky, 2010, Educause Articles of Interest: ' (Edcuase) '?' ' '. Train Before Trying. Presentation First, PowerPoint Second. Know Your Audience.

Tell a Story. Show It, Don't Write It. Embrace Color - Carefully.

Follow the Rule of 10. Keep It Short. Keep It Legible. Skip It Altogether ' (Educause) ' (Educause) ' (Educause) ' (Educause) ' (Educause) Popular Web-Based Presentation Tools.

Free - Discover, Share, and Present presentations and infographics with the world's largest professional content sharing community. Keynote - A Mac alternative to PowerPoint. Pay - Create web-based presentations with movement. Pay - Create web-based presentations that inspire. Free - With Google Slides, you can create, edit, collaborate, and present wherever you are. (Part of Google Drive).

Pay - Nearpod allows an instructor to create an interactive classroom 'powerpoint' presentation that students access on their mobile devices or computers. You control the pace of the presentation in the classroom as students follow along on their devices. Interactive elements can be seamlessly added to the presentation such as: videos, browsing websites, Q&A, and polls. Engage your audience in one interactive presentation experience. Enable your team with their new secret weapon. Combine words, images, video, links, galleries, and PDFs to turn your story into an interactive conversation. Infographic and Flowchart Tools Infographics describe a wide range of graphics used to display complex amounts of data and/or ideas.

Sketch Course On Flowvella

Powerpoint. (Online).


(Online). (Online) Screencasting Tools Screencasts, or screen capture, is a wonderful way to take students through a complicated process. You can record whatever is happening on your computer screen with an added narration. walk students through a website. demo software available on your computer.

use a webcam - record yourself. practice problem solving Screencasts can be used for presentations, learning objects, how tos, asynchronous communication, and whatever else you can think of. They do not have to be as polished and professional as learning objects. Take a screenshot or capture a video of what you see on your computer screen. Available in the TLC production studio.

Quickly create eye-catching videos. start a web conference, just don't invite any participants, use the screen-share option, and record the meeting. Tips and Tricks. For best results for the narration, use a headset with a microphone.

Although many computers have built-in microphones, the audio can sound scratchy and distant. If you do not have your own mic, you can borrow one from the Video Lab or stop by the TLC.

Since whatever is on your screen will be recorded, hide extraneous icons and browser menu bars. Make text appear larger by: boosting the default font size of your browser; zooming in on a browser (usually in the View menu); or switching to a lower screen resolution.

Use a script. Making a screencast is like public speaking. Some folks like to talk off the cuff, others prefer to read from a script. Do whatever makes you more comfortable.

Either way, practice, practice, practice. It may take a few (or several) takes to get the screencast done. Provide students an opportunity to demonstrate their learning of course content through the creation of short video. GradeBook Pro is a powerful and intuitive paperless classroom management tool. Record grades, attendance, and student performance in an app and be able to email results to individual students.

A web-based collaborative real-time editor, allowing authors to simultaneously edit using the iPad. Make your lectures more engaging through interactive multimedia presentations.

Audience response system that uses mobile phones, twitter, and the web to allow for live classroom participation. Easily curate engaging magazines. Snapguide is the easiest way to make and share great looking guides.


Create your own guides with our mobile platform and discover guides on the go. An amazing drawing application that records the process so you can watch how you created your own artwork. Procreate is the most advanced painting app ever designed for a mobile device. Create beautiful sketches, inspiring paintings, and stunning illustrations. 'Gamification is the application of game elements in non-gaming situations, often to motivate or influence behavior. The rewards or the spirit of competition can spur students’ concentration and interest and lead to more effective learning.

The use of gamification is wide-ranging in higher education, from extra-credit awards and in-class team competitions to complex multi-level schemes that can pervade a course.' - Educause ' (Educause) ' (Huffington Post) ' (Educause) ARGs weave together real-world artifacts with clues and puzzles hidden virtually any place, such as websites, libraries, museums, stores, signs, recorded telephone messages, movies, television programs, or printed materials. Talks about how game dynamics are reshaping classroom learning. We already have a game layer in education - it's called GRADES. But grades are so insubstantial. A letter in a database. The only physical representation is a boring piece of paper.

Easily forgotten, added to GPA calculations, there is no jazzy sense of ownership when you get a letter grade. Wasn't it much more satisfying to get a GOLD STAR in elementary school? You had physical, visual proof of what you had accomplished.

the web equivalent of gold stars. create your own digital badges Badges and Gaming Principles:. Make each class module a 'game level.' Whenever a student 'levels up' they get some reward. Create a visual representation of the progression of a class. The submissions module can do this - students can quickly see whether they have completed an assignment.

More fun - create a progress bar with percentages. People want to reach 100%.

DUE DATE: Tuesday, May 9 Inspirational Figure ​ 1. Examine the work of artist Shepard Fairey. Read NY Times review of Shepard Fairey 2. Choose a person from television, movies or society in general and design a poster about that person that highlights why they are inspirational to YOU.

Include their portrait, as well as their name or a message you believe they stand for. Include the image you used to draw their portrait. (Refer to the political poster by artist Shepard Fairey of President Barack Obama.) 3. Sketch multiple ideas and points of view as well as possible words and text 4.

Discuss and critically analyze and then select the strongest idea 5. Select colors and materials 6.

Sketch and create the final design. Inspiration comes in many forms. You will create, find or select a quote or inspirational message for the new section in your sketchbook. Assignment: Create a full page drawing that includes an inspirational message on a painted background.

Paint and color three pages in your sketchbook 2. Select a quote or write an inspirational message 3. Sketch MULTIPLE ideas for the layout and design of the quote and text 4. Show the ideas to a classmate/ friend and select the strongest idea 5. Create the artwork 6.

Edit and make improvements prior to your art. Please complete the following assignments by Friday: 1. Select the strongest Chinese Brush painting that you created. Take a HIGH quality photograph of the image and upload it to google classroom. Use the easel and tape to place your artwork in great lighting and photograph the wonderful artwork. Be sure to crop and edit the photo before turning it in. Place the image in your drive folder too.

Cover three pages in your sketchbook with watercolor paint, marker, colored pencils, collage and or crayon. These will become the backgrounds for future works of art. Read and follow directions for the next sketchbook assignment.

Select a landscape image for your next painting and place it into google classroom folder. Make sure that it is a high resolution photograph. Work on the Art History Challenge due next Friday 6. Select a work of art or your mid year portfolio and email the image to your parents/ guardians and let them know the great work that you are creating! You might title the email ' Check out this Awesome Painting That I Made!'

Be sure to include information about the work of art in the body of the email. Here is an example of the email: Dear, Check out this wonderful work of art that I made in Drawing and Painting class. I used to create this work of art. The inspiration was. I think this is my strongest work of art because. What do you think?

Signed, The greatest artist! Please complete the following assignments: 1. Nature Painting - complete painting, photograph and upload it to classroom 2.

Art History Challenges - proof read your work - place all of them in one google classroom folder 3. Check Aspen - update any missing assignments and make sure that Aspen is up to date ​4. Mid Year Exam ( see blog post) 5. Submit art to COLLAB! Submit your entries to submit@bhscollab.com (email submissions are greatly preferred) or place them in the Submissions Box outside our room.

Part 1: Documenting your Artwork. You must first go through all of your artwork and take high quality photographs of your work. Each picture must be edited and organized into a drive folder. Show me the pictures so I can check them for quality Part 2: Digital Portfolio Objective: Create a portfolio of your artwork that showcases your growth throughout the year Steps:. Create a slideshow of your artwork that you created this year. You may use google slides, FlowVella, Canva, Adobe Spark or other app of your choice ( just make sure that it can be turned into google classroom).

The slideshow must include the following: -Cover page with your name and thumbnail images ( this should be created in a collage app and elements and principles of design applied in layout) -High quality photographs of your artwork -Each artwork should include a title and materials used to create it (example: tempera paint) 3. You must write a high quality ARTIST STATEMENT to include at the end of your presentation. Read and complete. Your artist statement should describe what you learned this year, your growth and development as an artist and highlight works of art that were significant to you. You must turn in the assignment through google classroom Optional: You may include music, or voice over of you describing the artwork Grading Criteria:. 25% Cover Page including thumbnail images and your name. 25% Layout and Design of Presentation.

Sketch Course On Flowvellane

25% Quality of Artwork - including quality of photographs, titles and materials used. 25% Essay- Artist Statement Read this blog post for. Objective: Create a sketchbook assignment that illustrates something about you that you would like to do, accomplish or complete in 2017. The work of art must illustrate high quality drawing skills and understanding of space, depth and scale.

Sketch 4-6 high quality ideas Due Friday, December 16 2. Critique and discuss ideas 3. Select strongest idea and materials 4. Start creating drawing that illustrated your high quality drawing skills and understanding of space and depth 5. Edit and modify work prior to turning in the assignment.

Sketch Course On Flowvella